Wireframes & Designs for Responsive Slideshow
Background: The slideshow experience needed to be redesigned to allow for multimedia content including videos and various poll use cases. The focus was on two experiences: Long page format and Slider format. Wireframes for how each slide will look with the specific content type were provided for phone and desktop.
Wireframes for responsive Slideshow experience with multimedia including:
Wireframes for responsive Slideshow experience with multimedia including:
- Long page format wireframes for each content type viewed on desktop and phone.
- Long page format designs for each slide to show the specific use cases: vertical image, horizontal image, poll, video and ad.
- Slider format wireframes for each content type viewed on desktop and phone.
- Slider format designs for each slide to show various use cases: vertical image, horizontal image, poll, video and ad.
- Use cases for how elements will behave on phone versus desktop: collapsible photo caption, full screen view, end screen,